Stefan Gössling is Professor at Lund University and Linnaeus University, Sweden and Research Coordinator at the Western Norway Research Institute. His research focuses on tourism and resource use, climate change, tourism and development, mobility studies, transport psychology, low-carbon tourism and climate policy.
Air Travel and the Environment. Stefan Gössling is the most environmentally harmful form of tourism with respect to climate change (Gössling et al., 2005b).
He has also worked with sustainable transports (mostly aviation), renewable energy, carbon offsets & Kyoto, as well as tourism and climate change. 2020-04-27 2005-11-14 CiteScore: 6.8 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 6.8 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. 2016-2019) to peer-reviewed documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters) published in the same four calendar years, divided by the number of Stefan Gössling is a professor. His research concerns a wide range of subjects regarding tourism, transport, climate change and sustainability. In his current research project, titled “The psychology of the car”, he studies the reasons behind the use of cars. He has written a large number of books and journal articles, is on the editorial boards of five scientific journals and has worked Research Portal.
24 Mar 2015 A paper just completed by tourism and climate change scientists, Stefan Gossling and Paul Peeters presents more facts about tourism's 8 Mar 2019 Invitations to Catalyst; QLDC; local regional tourism businesses. Cash bar to follow. 6.30pm for Stefan Gössling (Lund University). 11.50am.
Stefan Gössling is Professor at Lund University and Linnaeus University, Sweden and Research Coordinator at the Western Norway Research Institute. His research focuses on tourism and resource use, climate change, tourism and development, mobility studies, transport psychology, low-carbon tourism and climate policy.
Köp Tourism and Global Environmental Change av Stefan Gossling, Michael C Hall på Stefan Gössling Email: stefan [dot] gossling [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se. Professor at Department of Service Management and Service Studies Mobile: +46 70 492 26 34.
Stefan Gössling, Amata Ring, Larry Dwyer, Ann-Christin Andersson, and C. Michael Hall, 2015. Published in Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Project: The
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive guide to the current s ‘New Frontiers in Marine Tourism’ is the first book of this kind to address and analyse this burgeoning tourism sector comprehensively. By integrating aspects such as the sustainability, safety, education, experiences and management of diving tourism the text highlights a variety of pressing topics related to the management of diving tourism, including:* different types of diving locations 2020-04-27 · Tourism is especially susceptible to measures to counteract pandemics because of restricted mobility and social distancing. ossling Stefan Gössling is Professor at Lund University and Linnaeus University, Sweden and Research Coordinator at the Western Norway Research Institute. His research focuses on tourism and resource use, climate change, tourism and development, mobility studies, transport psychology, low-carbon tourism and climate policy. Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability from C. Michael Hall, Stefan Gössling, Daniel Scott is one of the winners of the ITB BookAwards 2016 in the category Specialist tourism literature! Sustainability remains one of the major issues in tourism today.
5 Nov 2020 The Primacy of Climate Change for Sustainable. International Tourism. C. Michael Hall,. 1,2,3,4. *Daniel Scott.
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He has written a large number of books and journal articles, is on the editorial boards of five scientific journals and has worked Research Portal. Find researchers, research outputs (e.g. publications), projects, infrastructures and units at Lund University 2017-05-25 2016-03-09 Stefan Gössling Professor Pandemics, transformations and tourism : be careful what you wish for Author. C. Michael Hall Daniel Scott Stefan Gössling Summary, in English.
In the early 1990s, my work focused on aviation and the sector’s contribution to emissions o
Stefan Gössling is a professor of Tourism Research at Linnaeus University and Human Ecology at Lund University. His research focuses on the sustainability of tourism, transport & mobilities. Stefan Gössling (born 1970) is a Swedish academic who has studied sustainable tourism.
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Stefan Gössling Professor Pandemics, transformations and tourism : be careful what you wish for Author. C. Michael Hall Daniel Scott Stefan Gössling Summary, in English. Disease outbreaks and pandemics have long played a role in societal and economic change. …
His 5 Nov 2020 The Primacy of Climate Change for Sustainable.
Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19. A new article by Stefan Gössling, Daniel Scott & C. Michael Hall, published in the
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His research focuses on tourism and resource use, climate change, tourism and development, mobility studies, transport psychology, low-carbon tourism and climate policy. Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability from C. Michael Hall, Stefan Gössling, Daniel Scott is one of the winners of the ITB BookAwards 2016 in the category Specialist tourism literature!