Doro offers a variety of social alarms, carephones, sensors, and detectors that enable older and people with special needs live safe in their homes. Learn more.


i-care® online is our unique web based service which provides remote supervision. Products Doro Care offers products for secure and modern care to elder and persons with disablilities.

Technology enabled care is what we do, and we have over 30 years' experience in the sector. Doro is a global leader in telecoms for seniors and our products are sold in over 40 countries on five continents. Technology enabled care is what we do, and we have over 30 years' experience in the sector. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Doro, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. This is the Doro company profile. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Doro.

Doro care jobs

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Since our beginnings as pro med instruments we focused on innovation, quality, and customer service, developing state-of-the-art cranial stabilization and  20 Oct 2020 To further expand its reach in the UK TEC market, Doro has acquired the assets of the Careline services from Connexus Housing Group. Hos oss på kan du söka bland 6 lediga jobb på Doro Care Trygghetsjour AB idag. by Noor Jobs Doro Care erbjuder kommuner kompletta, trygga och kvalitetssäkrade trygghetssystem för äldre och funktionshindrade. Sick Pay Scheme (following successful completion of the probation period); Enhanced rates for evening / weekend working.

Doro Care erbjuder trygghets- och telekomtjänster för äldre och funktionshindrade personer för en trygg och självständig tillvaro i det egna hemmet.

Dreamwork Scandinavia AB, Systemutvecklare/Programmerare. Doro AB är ett svenskt publikt företag och aktien är noterad på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm.

Doro care jobs

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GOLDEN CREAM CO.,LTD. 714-714/1 ซอยรัชดาภิเษก 7 ถนนรัชดาภิเษก  Personal Alarm Services for the elderly. Get peace Join our life-saving personal alarm service today. Buying our service supports Age UK's charitable work. ร้านดิโอโร่ทุกสาขา หรือทาง e-mail สมัครงานหรือสมัครด้วยตนเองที่.

Doro care jobs

We are Doro, and we believe life is for living. | Doro is a Swedish technology company focused on seniors. We develop services and products for seniors to Doro Care Kalix Box 10030 952 27 Kalix. Telefon: 010-482 90 00 Fax: 0923-105 80 .
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Doro care jobs

The Company also provides social care services and telecare services, such as safety alarms, alarm reception, and support services primarily for seniors and disabled people. Doro Care med produkter inom larm, detektorer. Ställ en fråga till valfri expert eller skicka en generell fråga till redaktionen. Visa profiler för personer som heter Care Doro. Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Care Doro och andra som du känner.

Products Doro Care offers products for secure and modern care to elder and persons with disablilities. For the care provider, our solutions improve efficiency.
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DORO CARE TRYGGHETSJOUR AB | 17 följare på LinkedIn. Säkerhetssystemtjänster. Martin Zimmer Wold Producer and host at Tre Visse Menn (Podcast)

Företaget tveckla och marknadsföra högkvalitativa larm- och säkerhetsprodukter för äldre och funktionshindrade. Välkommen till Doro Upptäck ett brett sortiment av hemtelefoner mobiltelefoner och smartphones som är enkla att använda för seniorer och dig som vill prova den Doro Wins Award for Delivering Service Excellence During Pandemic Survey shows real need for Proactive services for the elderly: "more work to be done". Since our beginnings as pro med instruments we focused on innovation, quality, and customer service, developing state-of-the-art cranial stabilization and  20 Oct 2020 To further expand its reach in the UK TEC market, Doro has acquired the assets of the Careline services from Connexus Housing Group. Hos oss på kan du söka bland 6 lediga jobb på Doro Care Trygghetsjour AB idag. by Noor Jobs Doro Care erbjuder kommuner kompletta, trygga och kvalitetssäkrade trygghetssystem för äldre och funktionshindrade. Sick Pay Scheme (following successful completion of the probation period); Enhanced rates for evening / weekend working.

Welcome to My Doro Manager - My Doro Manager. This service lets you set up and manage a Doro device. Here you can, depending on device, add or remove specially selected applications, share photos, gain access to informative and entertaining web radio, bookmark favourite websites and much more.

AIN.WebApi.Jobs.SwedishJobs.Jobs.Employer Kalix Doro Care öppnar inom kort en larmcentral i Kalix.

We know what it means to care for someone, and we do everything we can to make it as simple as possible. For us, it’s personal.