Define consignor. consignor synonyms, consignor pronunciation, consignor translation, English dictionary definition of consignor. v. con·signed , con·sign·ing , con·signs v. tr. 1. To give over to the care or custody of another. 2. a. To put in or assign to an unfavorable place,


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The person who sends a consignment to a consignee. Consignor Meaning. How to pronounce, definition  Traduction de 'consignor' dans le dictionnaire anglais-français gratuit et beaucoup Shipper: for the purpose of this Code, has the same meaning as consignor. consignor definition. The party who delivered its goods to another party ( consignee).

Consignor meaning

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1. To give over to the care or custody of another. 2. a. To put in or assign to an unfavorable place consignor. con‧sign‧or /kənˈsaɪnə $ -ər/ noun [ countable] technical.

consignment meaning and definition · A collection of goods to be sent, in transit or having been sent · The act of consigning.

To give over to the care or custody of another. 2.

Consignor meaning

consignor to the common carrier for carriage, the description or details of which are given in the goods forwarding note; (d) "consignor" means a person, named as consignor in the goods forwarding note, by whom or on whose behalf the documents, goods or articles covered by such forwarding note are entrusted to the common

See more. consignor definition: a person or company that sends goods to someone, usually the person who is buying them: . Learn more. The consignor, in a contract of carriage, is the person sending a shipment to be delivered whether by land, sea or air. Some carriers, such as national postal entities, use the term "sender" or "shipper" but in the event of a legal dispute the proper and technical term "consignor" will generally be used. Definition: A consignor is the party who delivers goods that they own to another party to hold and sell them on their behalf. In other words, it’s the owner of a product who allows a store to take possession of it in order to sell it for him or her.

Consignor meaning

Urdu / HindiMy Recommenmd Amazing Gears & Products:1. Book Noun: consignor,kon,sInor or kunsI nu r. The person who delivers over or commits merchandise consigner. Derived forms: consignors. Type of: shipper. CONSIGNOR meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary.
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Consignor meaning

Consignor definition, a person or company that consigns goods, merchandise, etc.

To put in or assign to an unfavorable place, consignor definition: a person or company that sends goods to someone, usually the person who is buying them: . Learn more. Consignor definition, a person or company that consigns goods, merchandise, etc.
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What is FCL means Consignor Meaning in Malayalam : Find the definition of Consignor in Malayalam , OneIndia Malayalam Dictionary offers the meaning of Consignor in  Know the meaning of Consignor word. On maxgyan you will get Consignor malayalam meaning, translation, definition and synonyms of Consignor with related  Discounts for lawyers and law firms. Save time and money for you and your clients with our unique knowledge base. Learn more  ​“Known cargo” means a consignment to which the appropriate security ​A Known Consignor means the originator of goods for carriage by air, who has an  4 Aug 2019 Definitions, Meanings, Synonyms and Antonyms of “consignor”. “consignor” Sentence Examples. Sentences are everywhere. I don't know if  Consign is a verb meaning to deliver or send for selling or to commit to someone or to a location.

consignor meaning: a person or company that sends goods to someone, usually the person who is buying them: . Learn more.

2. a. To put in or assign to an unfavorable place, Consignor definition, a person or company that consigns goods, merchandise, etc.

Consignor The consignor, in a contract of carriage, is the person sending a shipment to be delivered whether by land, sea or air. Some carriers, such as national postal entities, use the term "sender" or "shipper" but in the event of a legal dispute the proper and technical term "consignor" will generally be used. A consignor is an individual or party that brings a good to be sold on their behalf by another party, which is called the consignee. The consignee acts as a sort of middleman Financial Intermediary A financial intermediary refers to an institution that acts as a middleman between two parties in order to facilitate a financial transaction. The consignor is usually one of the following: The factory where your goods are manufactured. The sourcing agent who serves as the main point of contact for your export and takes ownership of the export, including finding your factory and arranging necessary documentation.