Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures (unpainted): Yuan-Ti Anathema. Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures (unpainted): Yuan-Ti Anathema. 160 kr. Väntas i lager i mars.


Los yuan-ti son humanos serpentinos, mezcla de carne humana y de serpiente elaborada a través de rituales de magia negra enseñados por dioses oscuros.

Stories of where the yuan-ti came from vary, but it is certain that they used to be humans in ancient times. Yuan-ti abominations are the top caste: giant serpents with humanoid arms. Like malisons, they have the ability to Shapechange into snake form, and like malisons, they suffer from the same disadvantage of not getting to hold onto their equipment. The Yuan-ti are often described as monsters, joining the ranks of ooze and umber hulks, yet they outmatch most humanoid in intelligence.The Yuan-ti have a ri Yuan-ti are emotionless, yet feel completely superior to humanoids, in the same way that a human can feel superior to chickens or rabbits — in a matter-of-fact, completely objective way that doesn’t brook any second-guessing.


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The yuan-ti first appeared on the continent of Sarlona, in the early stages of the Sundering—the conflict that paved the way for the rise of Riedra and the Inspired. When the human nation of Khunan was devastated by a mystic conflict, the yuan-ti rose up in the ruins and established a new nation, which they called Syrkarn. Yuan-Ti are a thematically interesting group of creatures, and while the "Yuan-Ti Abomination" is the most iconic (they're the ones with snakes heads), the only Yuan-Ti published as a playable race is the Pureblood. There are multiple types of Yuan-Ti.

Yuan-ti are the terrifying snake people of D&D, they’ve been slithering their way through ancient temples and dungeons since all the way back in 1st edition. 3rd edition brought us the Yuan-ti Pureblood, who lean hard on the human half of their snake/human heritage and can even pass for human in the right light. 5e finally gave us the opportunity to play these cold-blooded killers, and then

Se hela listan på Yuan-ti are a species of monstrous humanoid snake-men and are usually of chaotic evil alignment. Yuan-ti have their own language, and they can also speak Common, Draconic, and Abyssal. The goal of the Yuan-ti, as dictated by their demonic god Merrshaulk, is to bring about the ultimate destruction of the world.


Yuan-Ti Malison (Snake Arms) 36/45 Icons of The Realms - Storm King's Thunder. 5.0 out of 5 stars 3. $13.99 $ 13. 99. $4.48 shipping. Only 1 left in stock - order soon.

2013-11-09 · Yuan-ti have a gestation period of about 60 months, with about 30% of their young dying of birth defects in infancy.


1 Ecology 1.1 Life cycle 1.2 Society 2 History 3 Breeds 3.1 Sub-breeds 4 Trivia Female yuan-ti lay eggs in brood chambers, marking each clutch with its parentage, then abandoning them to the care of broodguards. Yuan-ti hatchlings are hatched from these eggs, which are always curious and eager to explore, and will seek food immediately Yuan-ti purebloods appear human at first glance, with only very subtle snakelike features. A pureblood is about the same height and weight as a human. The yuan-ti are descended from humans whose bloodlines have been mingled with those of snakes. Their evilness, cunning, and ruthlessness are legendary.
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Quantity. Add to Cart. Add to Cart. Yuan-Ti Pureblood adventurers.

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Köp online Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures, Yuan-Ti Anathema (454726754) • Övriga figurspel • Skick: Oanvänd ✓ Fri Frakt ✓ •

A Yuan-Ti Circle of Spores Druid, Sisaspia swaps with Bruenor (Slot 1).

Most Yuan-ti are evil creatures and perform sacrifices on a regular basis. They worship the giant snake god Dendar who they also refer to as "Eater of the World" and hope to bring about the apocalypse. History [edit | edit source] Combat [edit | edit source] Some Yuan-ti can inflict a poisonous bite.

These Snake-men have an origin, not necessarily unknown, but one that is not known for sure. Some say the yuan-ti are descended from evil human cultists who mixed their bloodlines with those of serpents. They have exemplary psychic abilities. Yuan-ti breeds Purebloods appear mostly human, with minor reptilian features, such as Yuan-ti names are serpentine as well, but mixed with Aztec elements. There are many hissing sounds, and some choose to add extra letters to accentuate the snake-like hissing. They don't use surnames or epithets however. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names.

1 month ago. Meet Talashii die Jagter, the Yuan-ti pureblood Ranger. My latest DnD character I edited a photo which I swiped of Morgin Riley from Pinterest,  Yuan-Ti (som skadar sjukt mycket med Physical och har 10,697 HP) Tips: Otyugh och Yuan-Ti är nästan immuna mot Chaos, så använd gärna Hypnotize på  Deeja is shown to be very antisocial, and attempts to converse with her prior to "Lights Out!" will result in her… LuxoryAslaugSkyrim · Yuan-ti Pureblood DxD by  Tumblr.